Duddings Country Cottages
Tel: 01643 841123
email: richard@duddings.co.uk
Duddings Country Cottages
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Secondary Booking Form| Duddings Country Cottages


Duddings Country Cottages
Nr Dunster
Somerset  TA24 7TB

Richard Tilke
Tel.  +44 (0)1643 841123

Duddings Booking Form

This Booking Form should be used if the cottage(s) has been booked over the phone  - we should already have you "pencilled in" as a provisional booking.

This Booking Form & your payment should reach us within 3 days.
Payment can be made by bank transfer, by cheque (payable to Duddings Country Cottages) or by credit/debot card. Please note that the whole amount is due if your arrival date is within 6 weeks.  Our bank details are on the right.

The deposit rate is 25%.

Please view our Booking Terms & Conditions  HERE

HSBC Bank details
Duddings Country Cottages
Sort Code       40-44-04
Account No.    21474529

Bank BIC 8             HBUKGB4B
Branch BIC 11        MIDLGB22
IBAN   GB23HBUK40440421474529

Booking Information

  • All 12 cottages are equipped with TVs, DVD players, hairdryers, washing machines, Irons & Ironing Boards.,

  • All bed linen is provided, beds being made up prior to arrival. Guests should bring their own towels, but these can be hired if required at a cost of £3.50 per set per week. (Bath & face). 2 tea towels are provided.

  • Cots and high chairs are available for children under 2 at no extra cost. Please bring your own cot bedding.

  • Well-behaved dogs are welcome, and are charged £25 each per week.  £15 for a 3-4 night break or £20 for a 5-6 night break.

  • Cottages are ready for occupation at 3.00pm. We ask that they are vacated before 10.00am to enable us to prepare for incoming visitors.   

  • Electricity is now included...is

......Logs..........(West Wing , Annexe)      £3.50 a crate
     Heating is by a central wood chip biomass boiler & is now free.
......These are charged at cost on departure together with any
......breakages or towels

On receipt of your Booking Form and payment, we will forward confirmation of your booking, together with a balance invoice or receipt.

 Stables (16-18)
 West Wing (12)
 Selworthy (10)
 Luccombe (6)
 Withycombe (6)
 Allerford (5)
 Annexe (4)
 Winsford (4)
 Bossington (4)
 Bilbrook (3)
 Horner (2)
 Cleeve (2)
 I wiil be paying by Bank Transfer
 I will be paying by credit/debit card
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